F: Maybe your life have something to do with this.It's pretty funny, it just keeps asking you to explain your reasoning, which is pretty good if you're being irrational in the first place. If you want a pretty good personal psychotherapist you can download it here (http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/emacs/windows/)
F: What makes you believe your life has nothing to do with this?
F: Can you elaborate on that?
F: Is it because of the people you hang around with that you are going through all this?
F: I would appreciate it if you would continue.
F: Go on, don't be afraid.
F: Is it because of problems at school that you say you say arghh?
F: My secretary will send you a bill.
F: Bye bye.
get the bin, the barebin download you have to download the sources also so just get the bin. you can use the sml-mode if you create a site-start.el file in the emacs/site-start/ directory.. follow the instructions here http://www.smlnj.org/software.html.
also very newest version (23.1, 07/30/09) has M-x butterfly ... "Do you really want to unleash the powers of the butterfly? (yes or no)"